Wednesday, March 16, 2011

SPORT - nerds ride in the ring

In the Times dated March 7, a title catches the eye: "French intellectuals out of an existential crisis by playing hands." At the heart of the French capital, "in these prestigious universities where we admire old Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, new idols have emerged, for example called Mohammed Ali and Rocky Balboa," says the British daily.

According to figures developed by the French Federation of University Sports, the number of students boxers have doubled in five years in the Parisian faculties. The University Pierre and Marie Curie, in the fifth arrondissement of Paris, now has its regulars. The night when the Times correspondent there is a round, fourteen students shared the ring: ten boys and four girls, including Julian, in seventh grade student of oriental languages \u200b\u200band specialist in contemporary Chinese literature, or Elodie and Agnes Both 21 years old, apprentice chemists who like to be able to "unwind".

The Times, this sudden craze for boxing "shows that the French are looking for new values, while the cerebral traditionally attached to the elites of the post-war meeting increasing skepticism." Denis Gombert him forward another explanation. Director of manuscripts at Robert Laffont, great lover of Flaubert before the Lord, he also became addicted to boxing gloves.

It provides training to Elodie, Agnes and Julian. "People are afraid of contact, but at the same time, they want to break the ice ... They come here to rediscover the truth of human contact," he insists.

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