Tuesday, March 22, 2011

JAPAN - The myth of nuclear security has exploded

At the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986, the severity level was 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES), which is the highest level. The Agency's Nuclear Safety Department of Economy and Industry estimates that the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Tepco is level 6. Dozens of villagers near the plant have been irradiated.

In the present state of things, radioactive particles are in contact only with the clothes of the inhabitants. It is feared that the number of irradiated increases again, so it must quickly find a solution. At the edge of the enclosure of the nuclear plant, was measured in the morning of March 13 204.2 microsieverts radioactivity per hour (natural radiation to which a person is subjected on a daily basis does not exceed 0.27 mSv / hr) .

Italy calls for NATO to assume the attack against Libya

Rome .- The Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said today that it is a "serious issue" that the command of the military operation for the implementation of UN resolution on Libya go to NATO a demand that Italy has raised strongly in the last hours. Speaking to Italian Radio anch'io, the foreign minister of Italy said the British prime minister, David Cameron, shares the position of his government before the military operation and expressed his desire to do the same soon, "the American friends.

Castro says he resigned as first secretary of the PCC when sick

Fidel Castro resigned as first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) when he became ill, says own Tuesday the Cuban president in a new article on the tour of the U.S. president, Barack Obama, in Latin America. "I quit without hesitation to all my state and political positions, including that of first secretary of the party, when sick and never tried to exercise after the proclamation of July 31, 2006, or when partly recovered my health more than a year later, although all affectionate title remained that way, "said Fidel Castro.

UKRAINE - Ukrainian Japanese worried about the events

Local authorities assert: a disaster like the one that struck the central Fukushima is impossible in Ukraine. The reason? When the construction of nuclear power plants began in Soviet Ukraine, all facilities were provided taking into account the risk of an earthquake to a magnitude of 6. This figure is generally regarded as the maximum expected earthquake in Ukraine.

Ever, it is said at the press service of the State Committee for regulating nuclear power, the national control of atomic energy, an earthquake of this magnitude has been recorded throughout the history. However, responding to events in Japan, the committee decided to conduct surprise inspections in plants across the country.

U.S. hand over command of the offensive in Libya "within days"

Santiago de Chile (Editorial / Agencies) .- The United States fears being involved in a long war in Libya, such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Proof of this is the low profile that the White House is keeping the operation against Muammar Qaddafi, which has left France and the United Kingdom leading the charge.

The U.S. president, Barack Obama has taken a step further and announced this morning during his visit to Chile that Washington will transfer command of the offensive within days. "The transition will occur within days, not weeks," said the president during a press conference. Has avoided specify what country or organization will assume these duties, although France and the United Kingdom as a favorite target because of the role they have played so far as the drivers of international intervention in the North African country.

The true story of the liquidators of Fukushima

In these days of natural and nuclear disaster involving Japan, is a figure, the 'liquidators', which has become a focus of media attention and readers. These workers risk their lives to clear the area of radioactive waste Fukushima endanger others. However, as reflected in the British newspaper 'The Guardian', the history of the settlement is not as romantic as it sounds.

Shingo Kanno is one of those 'nuclear samurais', as they have been dubbed by some media. To the world you do not know, Kanno is a selfless hero who tries to save his country from a 'nuclear holocaust'. To his family, is a father who plays the guy to earn some extra money doing unskilled jobs in Fukushima.

SPAIN - Atlantis buried by a tsunami

A team of geologists and archaeologists recently presented at the National Geographic Channel's conclusions about the supposed location of the lost paradise described by Plato. Atlantis, La Vanguardia said, would be located in Andalusia, in the province of Huelva on the right bank of the Guadalquivir right in the Doñana National Park.

This hypothesis adds a new location to the existing ones, a dozen, is supported by the discovery of several rectangular structures and concentric circles corresponding to the description of Plato, before the island is apparently buried in the wake of a storm or a tsunami.

The International Court detects seven war crimes in Libya

London .- The International Criminal Court Prosecutor (ICC), Luis Moreno Ocampo, said today that there are seven cases of protesters who were shot in the Libyan revolt that may constitute crimes against humanity. Speaking to Radio 4 BBC, Moreno Ocampo said he is trying to gather evidence of this situation and expects to report next May 4 to the Security Council of the United Nations over its investigation into the Libyan situation before handing the case to the judges of the court.

"Military coup or civil war?

"We stand like mountains," thundered the President of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh. Can demonstrate a head of state and against whom the brother tried a few hours a coup and six emissaries who announced on the same day that he no longer owed allegiance? It seems that Saleh, who ruled Yemen since 1978, is willing to do anything to stay in power.

The current situation resembles the situation in Libya last three weeks ago. After Saleh tried to end the growing protests against him and his regime, a part of political officials at the highest levels declared their solidarity with the demonstrators. They are led by General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, a half brother of president Saleh.

NIGER - The historical opponent elected president

Mahamadou Issoufou, NHDP-party candidate Tarraya was named winner of the Nigerian Presidential with 57.95% of the votes from the election of 12 March, reports the news site medianiger. info. The announcement of the results was made by the Independent National Electoral Commission stating that the turnout was 48.17%.

Aged 59, Mahamadou Issoufou was elected for a term of 5 years. Five-time nominee for the presidency, he was defeated in 1999 and 2004 against Mamadou Tanja, the former president dismissed by a military coup. It has long been a history of opposing the old regime represented in this election by his opponent, Seini Oumarou, the unsuccessful candidate MNSD-Nassara who obtained 42.05% of votes.

The allies plan to reduce the intensity of the attacks in Libya

Tripoli (Editorial / Agencies) .- U.S.. UU., United Kingdom and France, who lead the military operations against the army of Muanmar-Qaddafi in Libya in response to UN resolution, it would consider reducing the pace of operations. After three nights of intense attacks on Tripoli and Benghazi road east of the country, the divisions and doubts about the control and the ultimate objectives of this operation could end up with a reduction in attacks, according to diplomatic sources have informed the agency Reuters news.

Bases millionaire

There is no city but has a mayor. All U.S. military bases in Afghanistan a certain size have a visible leader in charge of every single detail of the military facility to make life as pleasant as possible, under the circumstances, the soldiers stationed there . The largest U.S. military installation in the province of Wardak Airborne is based, in the eighties and used the Soviet troops.

It is located in Maidan Shar, the capital of Wardak, just 35 kilometers from Kabul, and its 'mayor' is Captain Matthew Wernert. At the base is home to about 1,200 people, said the captain, which, compared to other existing U.S. facilities in Afghanistan, one could say that Airborne is a medium-sized base, or even pulling a small.

Military coup against President Yemen

Leading generals had been in Yemen against President Ali Abdullah Salih, and thus initiated a military coup. On Monday, Major General Ali Muhsin al Ahmar, a half brother of the president and commander of the important First Division, said his troops now protect the demonstrators against the attacks of the units to the President.

Putin attacks the West: "UN resolution is calling for a crusade"

The Russian Prime Minister Putin on Monday criticized the West because of the action in Libya. The resolution of the UN Security Council on Libya was "harmful" and allow "all". You remember, therefore, "a medieval call for a crusade." The Libyan regime is indeed undemocratic, but no one to authorize military intervention in a domestic struggle, even when, as in Libya, will be held with weapons.

Cameron: "The attacks have prevented a massacre in Benghazi"

London. .- British Prime Minister, David Cameron, said today in Parliament that the international military action in Libya, has avoided a "massacre" in Benghazi, the city where rebel provisional government. In an appearance in the House of Commons, Cameron said he "has made good progress" in the two initial objectives it has set the international coalition to implement resolution 1973 adopted last week by the Security Council of the UN.

Dozens of soldiers joined the protests in the Yemeni capital, taken by tanks

The Yemeni army has deployed tanks in Sanaa, particularly around the presidential palace, having seen mass resignations in the armed forces and government, in addition to those reported in recent days. Especially significant has been the defection of considered number two armed forces, Maj. Gen. Mohamed Mohsen Ali.

The tanks have also been concentrated around the Ministry of Defence and the central bank, in a display driven after the General Ali Mohsen announced in a videotape aired by Al Jazeera support "to the people's revolution and its demands," and its rejection of the repression carried out by President Ali Abdullah Saleh, in power for 32 years.

THEATER - "Revenge, revenge to devour

Revenge is in the heart of the latest movie Danish Susanne Bier, Revenge, released this March 16 in France crowned his success at the Oscars 2011. There was dedicated "Best Foreign Film." The daily Politiken added its voice to the laudatory appraisals.

The allied forces will extend the zone to Tripoli

Barcelona (Editorial and agencies) .- The allied forces, which have impeded their attacks on government forces advance on Benghazi Libya, extend to the capital, Tripoli, the no-fly zone, according to Gen. Carter Ham said , head of Unified U.S. African Command based in Stuttgart, Germany. Ham stated in a press conference that since the start of the allied operations "no activity is observed aircraft (military) Libyans." U.S.

The revolution is not what it was

SPAIN - Reduced speed on motorways

Hundreds of protesters rallied in Puerta del Sol in central Madrid to protest against the new speed limit comes into force - 110 km / h on motorways from 120 km / h. This transitional measure, effective since March 7, 2011, must allow, as the government, save 15% gasoline and 11% diesel. The reduction in the price of train tickets, the increased biofuels are part of the batch of measures to save energy, a consequence of the situation in Arab countries, said the daily El Mundo.

The World Bank puts the cost at 165,000 million for the reconstruction of Japan

The bill for the disaster reached astronomical figures. The World Bank has estimated that Japan will need five years to rebuild the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami. The bill for these disasters may be increased up to 165,000 million euros, equivalent to 4% of GDP. The Japanese government is preparing two special budgets to meet the costs of all the works for normalization.

The Japanese authorities were aware that the damage caused by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck on March 11 Japan are huge and that the country faces a tough injury. But one thing is imagine it and another to see the figures in a written report. The World Bank on Monday submitted a report on the costs of the devastation of these natural disasters with enormous figures.

Thousands of Syrians call for freedom in the streets of the city of Dara, surrounded by the army

The Syrian army has been deployed at the entrance of Dara, while the authorities try to calm things down after the massive protests that are taking place thousands of people in this southern city. The fuse has been lit in the funeral of 23 year-old Raed al-Kerad, one of the five people killed Sunday in clashes with Syrian security forces.

Demonstrators have begun to march en masse from the cemetery to the mosque of al-Omari, outlining slogans for freedom and an end to corruption. "Revolution, revolution," "God, Syria, freedom is everything", are some of the slogans that can be heard. Meanwhile, soldiers deployed force to identify at all entrances to the city, and the Minister of Justice has moved to the town.

Confirmed the death in battle of top security chief FARC leader

Bogotá .- The guerrilla known as alias 'Jerome' maximum security chief of the FARC leader, Alfonso Cano, died during clashes with the army in the department of Huila (south) has confirmed the Colombian government and OTP. Since Sunday it had begun to speculate on the death of 'Jerome', aka Archimedes Muñoz Villamil, head of Central Command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and "right hand" of the insurgent group's top leader, Guillermo León Saenz ("Alfonso Cano").

Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb requires 90 million ransom for four French

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has called for "at least 90 million" as a ransom of four French citizens were kidnapped in Niger in September, according to a mediator who is in Gao, northern Mali. Besides money, the kidnappers demand the release of prisoners from Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), which are held in different countries, including France, said the source.

Seven people (five French citizens, one of Togo and a Madagascar) were abducted last September in northern Niger by members of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). In February, three of them were released: A French woman, Francoise Larriba, the city of Madagascar, Jean-Claude Rakotorilalao, and Togo, Kodjo Alex Ahonen, on the border between Algeria, Mali and Niger.

COTE D'IVOIRE - What could save the country

In Abidjan and in the rest of the country, soldiers and loyalist forces of the New Forces are now separated by a barrier of fire, much to the misery of a people caught between the hammer and the anvil. Sometimes strikes indiscriminately even where unarmed women are targeted with heavy weapons as was the case last Thursday in Abobo.

Slow descent into hell, as if that Cote d'Ivoire plunged into the abyss over the past two years trying to touch the bottom to rebound. But that deal with such a tragedy that could lead to a sub-region into the abyss? Nobody, not even the panelists AU pretend to believe in their own diplomatic posturing, is not no illusions about a negotiated outcome.

Al Qaeda calls for 90 million to free French hostages in Niger

Gao (Mali), -. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has claimed that France should "at least 90 million euros" as ransom to free the abducted four French citizens in September last year in Niger, according to advance the French news agency AFP Nigerian sources close to the negotiations. "The kidnappers claimed at least 90 million for access to free four French hostages and demanding the release of AQIM terrorists arrested and detained in various French cities, as declared by the same sources of trading.

The IAEA acknowledges that requires Fukushima review safety standards

The director general of the IAEA, Yukiya Amano, acknowledged that after the nuclear accident in Fukushima (Japan) should review the nuclear safety standards and the current pattern of international response to emergencies. In his opening speech at a special meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Amano said in Vienna that the current response framework was designed after the disaster at Chernobyl (Ukraine) in 1986, before the revolution in information technology.

LIBYA - One day they will make a concert, a true

Tarik Fakroum, a fisherman who lives in the next street, did not want this old fast. He inherited an old guitar from his brother died young, and an uncle brought him to Europe audiotapes - of heavy metal, among others. "I was 16 and I knew it was going to be my music," recalls Fakroum. "Before, I listened only varieties ultra-rigid state television.

For Gaddafi, even jazz was underground." When young, he tried to produce in a noisy courtyard overlooking the street, he had his first contact with politics. "I was arrested, I was told that what I was doing was not Libyan." He said he could get permission to make music, but not for the noise.

Two Spanish F-18 fighters flying to Libya to protect air exclusion zone

Madrid .- Two of the four fighter jets F-18 with which Spain will contribute to the establishment of the no-fly zone backed by the UN on Libya have gone from the base Decimomannu Italy (in Sardinia) and go to Libyan territory to Europa Press reported Defence Ministry sources. In the evening it was his own defense minister, Carme Chacón, announced that "Spain has started its aerial patrol missions without incident" in the international mission in the North African country.

HAITI - Aristide urged to postpone his comeback plan

"Jean-Bertrand Aristide as President Duvalier [former dictator returned from exile in January], has the right to return home today or tomorrow," said Michel Martelly, March 14. Competing with Mirlande Manigat for the second round of the presidential March 20, Martelly nevertheless wished that the former president, toppled in 2004, waiting to return the ballot.

The United States, too, asked Aristide to suspend its plan to return, a claim rejected by the advocate of it.

Sarkozy hosts a meeting with Libyan rebels in Paris

Paris .- Emissaries of the Libyan National Transitional Council (CNLT) will meet again today in Paris with the French authorities, a spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The spokesman gave no details on the time of the meeting to be held at the headquarters of the Ministry, or of its participants, but recalled that France considers the CNLT a "legitimate political party" of their country.

The Israeli army spy international leftist groups

The Israeli army, through its military intelligence body, spy groups and leftist organizations whose activities, considers Israel, delegitimize its existence as a state. Government sources and the Israeli army told the newspaper Haaretz that several months ago Military Intelligence created a special department devoted to follow the activities of leftist groups and closely coordinates its work with various government departments.