A newspaper without journalists, so it's possible. Le Journal de Montreal proven for over two years. Population contrefout it royally and still consume (this is the right word) this source of information maganée [ailing], without shame or remorse. The draw for the Journal de Montreal has even increased during the twenty-five-month labor dispute.
[A study of the database on the readership of daily newspapers published in October 2010, Le Journal de Montreal remains the most widely read newspaper in Montreal, with a total weekly readership (print and online) about 1.3 million readers, 41% of the regional population.] It is often said that a company has the media it deserves.
[A study of the database on the readership of daily newspapers published in October 2010, Le Journal de Montreal remains the most widely read newspaper in Montreal, with a total weekly readership (print and online) about 1.3 million readers, 41% of the regional population.] It is often said that a company has the media it deserves.