Thursday, February 24, 2011

UN calls for "immediate end" of violence in Libya

The same day, but with eight hours of difference defiant speech and Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the Security Council United Nations in New York last night spoke about the massacres that shook the Arab country and have left at least 500 killed, a thousand missing and more than three thousand people injured.

Almost a month has been slow to react to the decision-making body of the UN in the wake of violence that shook not only Libya for ten days, but on the other popular revolts against authoritarian leaders in other Arab countries such as Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt and Yemen and Bahrain Islamic towards more democracy and a better future for their citizens.

After more than five-hour meeting, the fifteen Security Council members have called in a joint, seamless "the immediate end of violence" in Libya and has condemned the crackdown on demonstrators that continues to perpetrate the Gaddafi regime against their fellow citizens. In addition, the Security Council has demanded that those responsible for violent attacks and shootings against civilians are prosecuted and held accountable for their acts before justice.

It seems difficult at present and in the unshakable position Gaddafi to stay in power and continue to repress the protests with the weapons that the Security Council requests will bend the rules. But the United Nations' commitment to cease the violence and prosecute those responsible is a first step that joins the international community and dissident Libyan diplomats and ambassadors around the world who have left their positions and oppose repression Gaddafi ordered.

However, the fifteen Security Council members have demanded the resignation or Qaddafi or that he be tried by an international court. Nor have they claimed or impose the creation of humanitarian corridors to allow civilians and Libyan refugees can flee the country with the support of effective peacekeepers.

"At the moment, the United Nations condemned the crackdown and calling responsibilities to prevent further bloodshed in a second phase may take more forceful measures", he told La Vanguardia. is a French diplomatic source at the UN. The fifteen countries have claimed the Gaddafi regime "to assume its responsibilities to protect the population.

The Libyan authorities must respect human rights and international humanitarian law," expressed Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, Brazil's ambassador to the United Nations and chairman Security Office. Council members also asked for "international humanitarian aid for the people of Libya have demanded that the Qaddafi regime to respect fundamental and democratic rights such as freedom of peaceful assembly of citizens, respect freedom of expression." The statement of the UN body calls for "respect for the authorities to press freedom and reporting by international media displaced in the country and has expressed concern about the safety of foreigners living in Libya," as confirmed by the ambassador to the French news agency AFP.

This is the first emergency meeting held by the Security Council after protests in the Middle East and North Africa to demand greater democracy and against tyrannical rulers that began in Algeria and Tunisia, Yemen, Bahrain earlier this year and continued in Egypt, with the fall of the regime of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

Now the social upheavals have to Libya as the epicenter reported by the Gaddafi regime massacres that the country may intervene in civil war. At yesterday's meeting of the Security Council, China and Russia expressed formal opposition to approve any resolution which means interference in the internal affairs of a country.

But both countries joined in affirming and recognizing "that the riots and repression in Libya are a different case of the riots to which the world has witnessed in Tunisia and Egypt, and hope that the Security Council requests the UN taken into consideration by the Qaddafi to protect the integrity, security and freedom of the Libyan people, "said the Brazilian ambassador.

Anti-Qadhafi Libyan diplomats in Washington between Libyan dissident voices against repression include the Gaddafi of Libya's ambassador in Washington, Ali Suleiman Aujali. The diplomat has called for the departure of Libyan dictator Muammar Qadhafi, and urged the international community to act in the political crisis in the North African country.

In an interview with U.S. network ABC, Ali Aujali wielded the only solution to conflict is that Gadhafi Libyan resign "and let the people decide their future alone." Ali Aujali, who works for the Libyan Government for 40 years, said that only serve "to the current dictatorial regime," but added it will never give to serve the people "until their voices reach the world and achieve its objectives" , reports EFE.

The diplomat urged the international community to act in the Libyan crisis, and called especially to the U.S. to raise its voice forcefully against the regime of Gadhafi and defend the people of Libya. "Please, please, help the Libyans. Help them.'re Burning. Need the world to fight with us ", he called Ali Aujali.

The violence of the repression against the civilian population Gaddafi, which included the shelling and firing from helicopters and military aircraft from the Air Force, has caused at least 400 killed , according to humanitarian organizations, and has caused outrage and condemnation of the international community.

The protests against the Libyan dictator to leave power, and democratic reforms and social improvements, began in Libya on February 17, as previously occurred in Tunisia and Egypt, and while others in Iran, Yemen, Algeria, Morocco and Bahrain, among other Arab countries.

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