Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Kurdish factor erupts in Syria

In the third week of demonstrations in Syria, where Bashar al-Assad, Arafat and the solid foundation of its power based on the military, the Baath party, intelligence services and supports kernel-Alawi who keeps a margin insdicutible switching has emerged the discomfort of the Kurdish minority. On Friday summoned the martyrs through the messages in the pages of Facebook, in Qamishi in Amud, in other parts of the northeast of the Republic, there were street protests with placards written "We will not only nationality, but also freedom.

" The Syrian Arafat, in his recent statements on the law firm responsible for policy reforms envisaged, first and foremost on the repeal of the law of state of emergency, also addressed the issue of lack of documentation than 300,000 Kurds in Syria. The demands of the Kurdish population in the autonomous territories bordering Iraq and the Kurdish provinces of Turkey, have neither scope nor its claims, but have worsened since 2004.

Then also Qamishi for ten days, following a football match between a team and other Arab Derezor local-Kurdish riots erupted, riots that killed several people, was burned a Baath party headquarters, destroyed a statue the late President Hafez al-Assad, and addressed the Republican Guard sent from Damascus to restore order.

The Kurds, Sunni Muslims are integrated into the national economy, do not ask or autonomy or a federal system, but the recognition of their rights, obtaining Syrian citizenship. Clearly, in some way, affect his status Kurdish populations across borders. In the country of Syria, the French fragmented, living in peace Muslims and Christians, and Sunni, Alawi, Shi'a, Druze, Ismailis, Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Maronite ...

There are Arabs, Kurds, Syrians, Armenians. This composition is etnicoreligiosa wealth but also its weakness in the Middle East increasingly fragmented into sects and in its neighboring countries, Iraq and Lebanon. The fear that, in the background of these anti-government demonstrations and pro-democracy and freedoms, is latent danger of state collapse, as happened in Iraq, stops the cravings of those who participate in the protests.

One of the few undisputed statements for millennia in this region is Egypt desnortada. Friday's protests of the martyrs, which as always takes place after prayers in mosques, agents of the security forces and Baath Party members attacked the demonstrators with tear gas and batons to output places of worship religious Deraa in Latakia, in Banias.

In Damascus, according to press hard to verify, several protesters were killed. In the suburb of Duma, about ten miles north of the capital, would have shot eight people dead, according to witnesses quoted by Agence France Presse, and a ninth victim in Sanamin near Deraa, where about thirty people were injured when according to the Arabic television channel Al Jazeera, the army prevented the inhabitants of nearby villages come to pay their respects to the families of those killed earlier in the week.

Syrian officials did not confirm those deaths of protesters. In Duma, the merger would have brought together some 3,000 people who threw stones at security forces who have deployed snipers on the terraces and roofs. Reports gathered by Amnesty International estimated the casualties in the protests in Syria in 90 people so far.

In the banners of the demonstrators had inscriptions such as "We only want freedom," "The death rather than humiliation," "National unity" ... The vast majority of people do not want to challenge the status quo, stability, and want to avoid a chaotic situation that could fragment the republic in enclaves and small political entities.

President Bashar al-Assad has placed emphasis on alleged machinations hatched from abroad, with agents Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, saboteurs Sunni Islamic radical trend. Hostile to the government demonstrators accuse him of using Lebanese Shiite fighters of Hezbollah and Revolutionary Guard or Pasdaran-Iranian Shiites, also in the repression of the protests.

It is hard to imagine, moreover, a major setback for his regime's strategic position in the Middle East, including Israel, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey ..., between peace and war of the Palestinians. Its stability is dependent, ultimately, the real reforms that are willing to perform. It is a commonplace to repeat that all roads across the Middle East in Damascus, the ancient capital of the Umayyads.

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