Thursday, June 2, 2011

The opposition submitted a motion of censure against the Japanese Government

The main opposition parties in Japan present in the House today a motion of censure against the Government of Naoto Kan for his handling of the crisis in the Fukushima nuclear plant. The motion, which is scheduled to vote tomorrow has been promoted by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which ruled almost without interruption for 54 years until 2009 and has criticized the "lack of credibility of Khan to the Japanese people." It could also be supported by some lawmakers of the ruling Democratic Party (PD) Kan critical, so it is possible that the motion to succeed, forcing the prime minister to resign along with his cabinet or dissolve the Diet.

In addition to the LDP, have already announced their support of the motion the New Komeito party, the second largest in the opposition, and minority Sunrise Party. In the ranks of the ruling PD, the influential Ichiro Ozawa, a former secretary general of training, he has already secured the support also.

The leader of the LDP, Sadakazu Tanigaki, said today that the Prime Minister has no credibility at a time that should show leadership to the people "and insisted that Japan will never achieve progress in the reconstruction if Kan remains as head of government. The motion that could cost the job to Naoto Kan comes as the government tries to control the situation in the battered nuclear power plant in Fukushima, seriously damaged by the earthquake and tsunami of 11 March.

Despite criticism for his management, the prime minister has so far ignored the voices calling for his resignation, but would be forced to leave his post if the opposition vote tomorrow achieved the support of a majority of 480 seats the House. To do this they should vote against Kan at least 80 members of his own party, something that can happen if the followers of Ozawa (about 40) are added the former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and several undecided.

Today, during his first debate face to face with Tanigaki after the disaster of 11 March, Naoto Kan said he is not the time of a power struggle and called for cooperation between parties. The opposition leader, however, said that if Khan leaves the Executive would be "many ways that the government parties and opposition parties unite to create a new Japan." Naoto Kan came to power in June last year following the resignation of Yukio Hatoyama, who won the elections in August 2009 that ended the LDP government in Japan, a country which since 2006 has had five prime ministers.

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