Tokyo .- Japan's lower house on Tuesday rejected a motion of censure tabled by the opposition against Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, for his handling of the crisis unleashed by the earthquake and tsunami of 11 March. The motion, which if carried would have meant the downfall of the government of Khan, was rejected by 293 MPs, compared to 152 who supported it.
"Right now, I'm working to rebuild the country, but once I have completed my task intention to leave the responsibility to the next generation of politicians, underlined the Prime Minister has appealed to the cohesion in the ranks of his party, which has a majority in the House. His appeal was effective and critical members of Kan management following the earthquake and its handling of the crisis in the Fukushima nuclear plant, whose reactors were heavily damaged by the earthquake, have opted to give a vote of confidence.
Uncertain Debate motion filed on Wednesday the formation of the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), along with the New Komeito party and the minority Sunrise Party. While the PD has a majority in the House, the Government was not clear to go to get away with the debate as between members of the PD Khan was critical of the influential Ichiro Ozawa, the former secretary general of training and has 40 parliamentarians loyal .
But the motion was passed, should have also supported some undecided in the PD and a faction loyal to former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, who has mnaifestado Kan favor of leaving the Government once the process is channeled to rebuilding. 

"Right now, I'm working to rebuild the country, but once I have completed my task intention to leave the responsibility to the next generation of politicians, underlined the Prime Minister has appealed to the cohesion in the ranks of his party, which has a majority in the House. His appeal was effective and critical members of Kan management following the earthquake and its handling of the crisis in the Fukushima nuclear plant, whose reactors were heavily damaged by the earthquake, have opted to give a vote of confidence.
Uncertain Debate motion filed on Wednesday the formation of the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), along with the New Komeito party and the minority Sunrise Party. While the PD has a majority in the House, the Government was not clear to go to get away with the debate as between members of the PD Khan was critical of the influential Ichiro Ozawa, the former secretary general of training and has 40 parliamentarians loyal .
But the motion was passed, should have also supported some undecided in the PD and a faction loyal to former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, who has mnaifestado Kan favor of leaving the Government once the process is channeled to rebuilding.

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