Friday, April 1, 2011

The radiation level Fukushima water is 10,000 times higher than normal

Tokyo .- The radiation levels detected in the waters of an underground tunnel located on the exterior of a turbine reactor number one nuclear power plant in Fukushima-1 is 10,000 times above normal, said Thursday the company operating. Radiation levels are "extremely high", said an official of the Tokyo Electric Power Co.

(TEPCO), quoted by Kyodo news agency. For its part, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said Thursday, quoted by Kyodo, that have been detected abnormal levels of radioactive cesium in meat from the area of Fukushima. The level exceeds the limit of 500 becquerels set by food hygiene laws.

This is the first case of radioactive contamination in meat products.

1 comment:

  1. Seeing the scarcity of bottled water esp. in some areas of Japan I have compiled a few
    Survival tips: Out of bottled water? Drinking water contaminated? Here is what to do …
