Sunday, May 29, 2011

U.S. - PA wants to shed light on the death of Bin Laden

The news agency Associated Press filed May 9, a formal request with the U.S. government for access to video a funeral at sea for Osama bin Laden as well as pictures of his mutilated body, reports The Atlantic . Michael Oreskes, one of the editors of AP, said that these documents - that prove the death of the leader of al-Qaida - are essential to "shed light" on the share of U.S.

commandos sent to Abbottabad, Pakistan. "In the week following the raid against the compound where bin Laden lived in several different versions have been given on the actual conduct of the operation, said Mr. Oreskes. It is our job as journalists to try to obtain these documents to understand what really happened.

" The newspaper Politico, the news channel Fox News, and that associations citizen watch Judicial Watch and Citizens United, among others, have committed the same procedure. For his part, Obama had announced on May 4, he would not publish these documents for security reasons.

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