Sunday, May 29, 2011

CHINA - Nothing is good in the pig

In his barn, the animals Wang He (name) receive from the red Sudan [a synthetic dye that is no longer authorized for food since 1995 in the European Union because it would be carcinogenic] tablets for the cough and clenbuterol hydrochloride [a substance that promotes the development of muscle mass, burn fat and is on the list of illegal products from the World Anti-Doping Agency].

According to Wang, it has become the standard for fattening pigs. It is sufficient to use one of these products to be sure to get a bright-colored meat and nice texture. As for its taste, Wang He does not know because he never eats his own pigs! The farm is located at Wang Yubei in Henan province (east).

It is one of those countless Chinese farms that are abusing chemicals and drugs. Each year, 2,000 animals leave home and go to the slaughterhouse to be sold in different regions of the country through intermediaries. These pigs stuffed with toxins and hormones on the table become a delicacy.

You should know that 80% of animal protein eaten by the Chinese come from the consumption of pork and poultry, with a predominance of pork. Each year in China, 600 million pigs are slaughtered, each Chinese consumes almost the equivalent of half a beast a year. In a barn that meets rigorous sanitary standards and provides proper nutrition, a piglet in calf [before being fattened] needs only four vaccines: against swine flu, FMD, Aujeszky's disease and strep infections, said Li Wengang, director of the department of veterinary medicine at the college farm Zhengzhou (Henan).

Yet we stick rarely there, even in large barns. As the health standards are not met, farmers often add several other vaccines "in case", to increase the survival rate of their animals. Thus, some pigs are more than ten vaccines. For example, Table vaccination provided its customers with a pigsty Zhengyang District, Henan, advocates eleven vaccines on animals farrow! Usually generalized antibiotics after birth, the piglet is breastfed by his mother, who will provide antibodies, which develops its immune system.

According to Li Wengang, large modern barns could very well keep their mortality rate below 5% without adding drugs to the diet of young pigs. In contrast, small farms and those with poor hygiene are forced to resort to antibiotics to increase the survival of their livestock. "Some pig who lost three or four piglets ten saw their mortality rates drop to 6 or 7%, giving antibiotics to their animals," says Li Wengang.

These antibiotics usually belong to four major classes: the tetracyclines, macrolides, sulfonamides and quinolones. Wang He, the farmer Yubei, however, stressed that veterinary drugs are often counterfeit and are not very effective. He therefore prefers to replace products veterinary medicines for humans, such as streptomycin and penicillin, to treat his pigs.

In addition, he often administered to these animals three times the normal dose to "optimize" the treatment. According to our survey, this practice is particularly common in small barns. Professor Li said the case of a sick pig which had been injected three different products that had not survived, while only one product would have been enough to handle it.

"The veterinary network is underdeveloped and many pig farmers are not very educated. They often think they can treat their animals by guesswork, with catastrophic results! "Farmers do almost never consider the ability of animals to resist disease. Li discovered that in addition to misuse of drugs for humans, livestock prefer products such as streptomycin and cephalosporins, rather than the good old penicillin.

"A phenomenon very similar to what happens with antibiotics for humans!" Wengang Li said that the state has yet established the specialized classifications to distinguish between drugs for human and veterinary use those. With the exception of a few products that can be used in humans as in animals for many drugs, it is forbidden to mix uses.

It is indeed prevent pathogens have developed resistance to antibiotics in an animal organism to threaten human health. Unfortunately, these pigs are commonly produced in most farms. Moreover, the animals must stop receiving medication during the month before they are sent to the slaughterhouse in order to allow time for their body to eliminate them.

Professionals are, however, that this system requires a high degree of surveillance by the authorities. "In fact, it is impossible to implement in many barns." A pig farmer Zhengyang also explains that quite a number of his colleagues to add the feed their animals organic arsenic and copper sulfate to make their skin shiny and black stools, where cases of semi-intoxication of pigs.

According to Li Wengang, the addition of trace elements like zinc, chromium, copper and arsenic is allowed in feed for pigs. Arsenic, even if it is a poison, can indeed contribute - at very low doses - to promote the growth of pigs, to improve the appearance of their skin and to treat some parasitic diseases.

However, this addition must be carefully measured under threat of lead poisoning of animals, not to mention the pollution of soil and groundwater. The use of deadly risk pharmacologically active substances to promote growth in animals has long been an open secret in Pigs. The most popular products are clenbuterol, ractopamine and salbutamol [better known under the trade name Ventolin], three beta-blockers for treating asthma but which are used in pig farming since it has discovered that these were an increase in muscle mass of pigs [which slows the accumulation of fat, increases the weight of the animals and allows them to sell more expensive].

An administration official in charge of livestock in Henan province said that these substances have been widely disseminated in the early 1990s when they were contained in new technologies. But it was proven that the presence of residues of these products in the pigmeat can also cause severe human precocious puberty, a potentially fatal poisoning with central nervous system [despite the ban on these products in China, their use remains widespread].

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