Monday, April 4, 2011

Sarkozy, the relief of all international crises

A Monsieur le Président is building up the work. And not only at home, where his party has just suffered a major setback in the cantonal elections, but the crisis that shook the international news. This Friday, Nicolas Sarkozy held talks with President-elect Alassane Ouattara, Ivory Coast ... from Japan, which has become the first head of state to visit the country after the earthquake.

Libya does not forget ... Weakened at home, but grew up in the diplomatic arena, 'Sarko' started the week with the Libyan crisis, in which France has taken the reins of the international coalition from the beginning, at the low U.S. interest. On Monday, President Gallo and 'premier' David Cameron, proposed his 'political solution' to Libya, with a view to meeting the next day would be held in London.

A few hours later, the two leaders held a videoconference with 'four' with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Barack Obama. Together they discussed post-Gaddafi's Libya. For his 'disgrace', the day after the press of his country had also reflected the crisis of the UMP, divided by fighting among its leaders and defeated in recent elections that it has entered France before next year's presidential .

"Turbulence", "adverse weather," panic "are some of the descriptions of the Gauls means the situation in the UMP. The 'tenor' odds-on Prime Minister François Fillon and the party's general secretary, Jean-François Cope, entangled in the thorny issue of secularism and Islam, they met with Sarkozy at the Elysee that day.

Although it was the government's weekly meeting, generated unusual attention. But the president seemed to have eyes on their journey to the Far East. At least, that dealt with the three tweet issued by the Elysee (the Twitter is focused on the diplomatic activity of the president) through Wednesday.

As shift leader of the G20 and the G8, the president has traveled to China to inaugurate a seminar of the G20 in Nanjing and promote international monetary system reform. Before, 'Sarko' meeting with her Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, in Beijing to discuss the Allied intervention in Libya, criticized by China.

Just hours after setting out his ideas on monetary reform, Sarkozy on Friday became the first head of state to visit Japan after the tragedy that shook the country almost a month ago. "You're not alone in this crisis," Sarkozy told Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan. And where there is, Sarkozy sends message.

From Asia, met in the Elysee, as the President says gala-to Fillon, the foreign minister, Alain Juppe and Defense Minister, Gerard Longuet, to discuss the crisis in Ivory Coast. Tonight has spoken by telephone with President-elect of the former colony, Alassane Ouattara, who was the outgoing president, Laurent Gbagbo, is reluctant to cede power after its electoral defeat in November.

Although far is the time when France played her own role of gendarme of Africa, on Thursday his forces were deployed in the country, while fighting between the two sides come to the capital. French helicopters flying over Abidjan and Paris has announced it will send about 150 troops, bringing its troops in the Licorne operation will amount to "1,000 or 1,100." "It is urgent to put an end to the crisis born Laurent Gbagbo's refusal to concede defeat in the second round of presidential elections," said the presidential gala.

And is that Sarkozy "has a temperament that makes you want to run to quench all the fires wherever you go. It's a drive that has failed to control," said Jean-Thomas Lesueur, director of the Thomas More Institute, told Reuters. "Racing in Japan is fine, but I think that makes you gain many points at home.

If I were him, I worry about national issues," he continued. Both international spotlight has failed to improve the assessment of President Gallic in his country. According to recent polls, 'Sarko' not even happen to the second round of the 2012 presidential election.

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