Monday, April 4, 2011

FRANCE - Paris accused of wanting to carve Libya

Dissonant voices that are heard emphatically in the coalition led military strikes on Libya, demanding that the formal command of the operations is entrusted to NATO, when the Americans who assume since the start of those will decide to hand. These dissonances are indicative of the hostility that marked the European members of the coalition to the French claim to lead the operations.

Hostility is not warranted by the only argument the better coordination that NATO could print their direction. In fact, these states do not want a French leadership, as it claims to Nicolas Sarkozy in the principle that his country is the one who initiated the most important contribution to military operations by the coalition.

Beyond the differences within the military and considerations expressed refusal to see Paris ordered the international intervention in Libya, there are those, unreported but determining which are caused by the fear nourished by refractory states that France Libya pursues goals that contravene their own national interests in that country.

This is the obvious case of Italy, whose influence and economic dominance that were hers in Libya during the forty-two years in power Muammar Gaddafi may actually suffer from leadership that is currently play France in the Libyan crisis. This is the post-Qadhafi who is acting and reacting now key members of the coalition.

Seen from the perspective of French national interests ahead of that deadline, it is undeniable that, unlike the episode Tunisian or Egyptian, Sarkozy has skillfully positioned France on the Libyan case by making it appear as international actor more determined to support the popular uprising against al-Qadhafi and his regime.

At this point it is France that insurgents cheering Libyans say they owe and the international response to them has loosened the grip of deadly armed forces loyal to the dictator. Prestige and sympathy that Paris will not fail to operate to establish and consolidate its multifaceted presence in Libya after the fall inevitable Gadhafi and his regime.

In the strife afflicting the coalition and were transplanted within the European Union, it is far from the debate also raises the humanitarian disproportionate use of force, as practiced in this intervention in Libya. The unsaid of the quarrel is the rivalry that drives the major states of the coalition on the place and the role they want in the future to rid Libya Gaddafi.

Who consider the place and role in terms of natural wealth this country has, its geostrategic situation in the Mediterranean and the Saharan-Sahelian area of Africa, and business opportunities it offers the prospect of its reconstruction after the close of the era kadhafienne. Be that as it flows from the West-West dispute about the Libyan case, it will remain as it is this West that has most benefited, financially and otherwise, of the reign of Gaddafi and is as beneficial and more after his departure.

What the West has already prepared. That is the only "change" for which he was mobilized. But the stain on the dress of the commitment to peoples' rights, freedom and democracy. Forgotten forty-two years of tolerance and even complicity with multifaceted one of the most repulsive dictatorships that plagued the Arab world.

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