Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mladic to the Hague Tribunal: I defended my people and my country

Former Bosnian Serb war crimes suspect, Ratko Mladic, appeared before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) after his recent arrest and extradition by Serbian authorities. The former soldier has entered the room dressed in a suit (and not in uniform as many had insured) and wearing tie and hat (although the latter has taken a few minutes), showing an aspect of aging but healthy enough .

In fact, the judge has told the Court that despite his family and doctors say that is not able to stand trial, other studies have confirmed that you meet all the charges for which he was wanted from 16 years. But Mladic has insisted: "I am a seriously ill man." "I am exposed to stress very important.

I could not understand everything you just read this young," he said at one point, appearing dazed, while others have made clear their control and understanding: "That date is not of my birth. " With a slight tremor in her voice but a strong look, Mladic has indicated that it was able to read all documents in which they are exposed their positions.

It was expected that the former general audience, 69, plead guilty or not guilty of multiple charges, including genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, among which is the siege of Sarajevo and, in particular the slaughter of Srebrenica, where 8,000 Muslims died in 1995. However, in refusing to plead either guilty or innocent has set a further hearing on 4 July.

Interestingly, when they read aloud the charges against him, Mladic has refused his head when needed its charges of genocide for the slaughter of Srebrenica. Moreover, after the arraignment regretted "the monstrous words" the Tribunal. And has ruled: "I defended my people, my country ...

And now I am defending myself, because I want to live as a free man." Finally, the judges requested a private meeting to give details of their physical problems. His defense has claimed that the former general suffers from a severe form of lymphatic cancer and could therefore hardly be judged.

However, according to the BBC, Mladic has expressed his "discomfort" about having to be "helped to walk like a blind man." "I do not need help because I am the general Mladic, has ruled. In any case, just have to wait another month. The Dutch judge Alphons Orie, who directed in 2008 the first appearance of former Serb political leader, Radovan Karadzic, will be responsible for verifying the identity of the defendants in the trial expected 'the butcher of Srebrenica.


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