Friday, April 8, 2011

Honeymoon jinx

The Swedish couple formed by Erika and Estefan, accompanied by small Elinor began their honeymoon last December without the usual suspect in December Their first destination was Germany, or rather the Germans airports, where they remained for several days withheld because the so-called 'snow storm of the century.

" Escaping from the cold, headed to Bali. But here, instead of the coveted sun and beach, I was expecting a monsoon rainstorm. In the next stage circuit of natural disasters: Australia, were accompanied by forest fires, floods and a cyclone that forced them to change the hotel for a shelter.

And there was still the worst. They landed in Christchurch, New Zealand, hours after the earth tremble. And in Tokyo, two days before the big earthquake and the subsequent nuclear alert. By the way, the Caribbean island of Aruba should be on alert. Is the destination of the Swedish pair your next family vacation.

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