Saturday, April 30, 2011

Debut and green in the land skid car

The change of Baden-Württemberg, the state farm-German model that shook the last elections, due to the effect Fukushima, 60 years of conservative rule, is slow, quiet and will chaired by social consensus. This was announced by the coalition agreement between the Greens and Social Democrats (SPD) released Wednesday.

For the first time are the Greens, not the SPD, the leaders of marriage, with an environmental president, Winfried Kretschmann, who will be sworn in on May 12. Kretschmann, a teacher of 62 years, is a conservative confidence: ex-Maoist in 68, a practicing Catholic now, neoliberal economics and member of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

However, all the tact of his heralded "thorough revolution" has not prevented smooth. The first was a declaration of Kretschmann on the car: "Fewer cars, of course, is better than cars," he said. Germany, Europe and the world are crammed with cars and the statement is pure common sense, but pronounced in the first region of Germany car, cathedral and home of Porsche, Mercedes, Audi and Bosch, in a country in which the car moves 300,000 million per year, holds 710,000 direct jobs and represents 16% of national exports, is simply anathema.

After the initial alarm, the remark: "It is about building other cars, they spend less and establish conditions under which most people use the train and bike, which leads to fewer cars," he said. Meanwhile, the government program wants to "develop leadership in the market for electric cars" and promote "mobility more energy efficient alternative." The economy of Germany's leading economic region will have a strict fiscal policy and will "bold steps" towards a "social market economy and ecological renewed." The "close collaboration with companies, unions and other economic actors" when making decisions is the basis of everything.

In a country where criticizing the divorce between politicians and citizens, and lived in Stuttgart, opposed the proposed new railway station, a bourgeois revolt particular for this reason, the new coalition claims that "the political involvement of citizens is an enrichment. " Socially it is to make Baden-Württemberg an "example of good work", intending to fight against job insecurity, whose advance into Germany is a great counterpoint to moderate unemployment "and advocating for equal pay for equal work and equal working conditions, which could positively influence the domestic labor debate, observers say.

But the real heart of the program is education, which provides for significant expansion of health care services in schools and kindergartens, and the abolition of the (small) university fees, all financed through an increase of 1.5% tax on real estate property transactions, it will be 5%.

In "nuclear, no thanks," the paper announced the "breakthrough in energy transformation" of the region and to nuclear energy. At the moment nuclear power Philippsburg Neckarwestheim I and now in moratorium, will close permanently. Other nuclear power plants outside the regional electricity company dependent on federal government decisions.

All this change is careful, especially because more than fixed targets arises intentions.

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