Friday, May 13, 2011

HUNGARY - Descent into Hell

The new Constitution is the Constitution of the citizens. Which would, from Hobbes and Locke, the expression of a consensus based on the free will of citizens and on which their life together. Has been criticized Hobbes and Locke that a community organized according to these principles is not viable, because the social contract must also include the cultural heritage unique to the community.

The drafters of the new Constitution are aware of this, and their liability was not greater than when they defined the cultural space in which Hungarian citizens must (should) live. This space is the product of the victory of a majority that dominates cultural struggle - as if there could be a winner in this Kulturkampf.

We try to breathe new life into the principles in the nineteenth century, played a revolutionary role, but, nowadays, are just slogans of populism. The symbols of yesteryear are no more than allegories. They are trying to impose a monochromatic nationalism refers to the crown of St. Stephen in place of a colorful patriotic, while Hungary is part of the European community, whose nation states have given way to cultural states.

Let us recall St. Augustine and one of the fundamental ideas of The City of God, that constitutions and written laws do not confer any legal obligation if they are not the expression of a Constitution etched in the minds of citizens. Without such a moral support, the strength of the state can represent a great threat.

The overwhelming majority of Hungarians still look with indifference the new Constitution. This majority will start to protest when, in accordance with patriotic creed inscribed in the preamble of the new Constitution, we will be born in mind the laws which the citizens should live. It will be a life uncomfortable, it does not please them.

And when the community will seek legal frameworks to express its displeasure and did not find the Constitution of the Third Republic to be sorely missed. This will be the downward spiral of the nation.

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