Thursday, February 17, 2011

New clashes in Iran between loyalists and opposition

New clashes between Iranian dissidents and members of the Islamic volunteer militia prorégimen 'Basiji' erupted on Wednesday in Tehran for the funeral of one of the two youths who died in the protests on Monday. The boy, a student of Kurdish origin identified as zhal Sane, was killed because he was shot while in the vicinity of Enguelab Street, where police used tear gas and other weapons to disperse large groups gathered.

According to the official press zhal was a member of the militia 'Basiji' and was the victim of a shooting that has been attributed to supporters of the opposition in exile organization Mujahedin Khalq (People's fighters). However, the opposition and other independent sources say the girl was actually a follower of the reform movement "green" at the top of opposition leader Mehdi Mir Hussein Mousavi and Karroubi.

Both sides will meet again on Wednesday during the funeral, when everyone tried to show that zhal was one of theirs. "Students and people involved in the funeral of the martyr zhal Sane in the College of Fine Arts in Tehran clashed with what appeared to secessionist groups," said state television.

The source said the clashes erupted during a demonstration inside the campus which also involved deputies and officers of the Revolutionary Guards, the elite corps of Iranian security forces. The opposition website Rahesabz. net, akin to Mousavi, insists that zhal was one of his supporters.

However, it is difficult to know exactly what happened, because as on previous occasions, the Iranian Ministry of Islamic Guidance on Wednesday sent a message through the mobile phone to the international press in which he was warned that he was banned from the street . After months of silence, the Iranian opposition took over the streets on Monday with a rally for the uprisings in the north of Africa which was banned by the authorities and punished with extreme violence by security forces.

According to state media, at least two people were killed in the fighting, an unknown number was wounded and dozens were arrested. Among those arrested were the consul of Spain in Iran, Ignacio Perez Cambra, who was six men of the secret service approached near the Spanish embassy in Tehran, which is several tens of kilometers from where the marches took place , according to THE WORLD.

Perez Cambra was released four hours later, after Spain protested to the authorities, without which they charged with any type of crime. However, the website Tabnak, close to the Revolutionary Guards, insists the story that the Spanish diplomat was in the demonstrations and that this is a sign that they were supported by foreigners.

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