Wednesday, June 8, 2011

INDONESIA - The sensitive young Muslim radicalism

"Islamic radicalism on college campuses has reached an alarming level," said the head of the National Agency against terrorism (BNPT) Ansyaad Mbai in the columns of the Jakarta Post. The expert in Islamic Studies at the University Indonesia (Jakarta), Yon Machmud, lists six reasons for his part that explains the vulnerability of the new generation of radical students: 1) Students have lost all critical faculties.

2) They tend to accept information from dubious sources on the internet. 3) They do not confront any other source, adhering to a single point of view. 4) They live away from their families, making parental control and transmission of the true nature of Islam problematic. 5) Some Islamic organizations operate informally on campus and are therefore difficult to control.

6) Indonesia has no law regulating the radical religious propaganda on campus.

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