Friday, February 25, 2011

"The village does not want dictators or radical Islam"

Takes three hours of interviews. Four, but in view of what is happening in the Middle East ... What is the fundamental question we have not done? "In essence we are talking about freedom, hope and suffering, but nobody asked me about it. Go ahead. Freedom is to be what we want to be, and for that we must get rid of the ego.

The hope is, after all, know that anything is possible, and know it is a force. Suffering is the meaning of my humanity. Now sitúeme the three issues raised in the events in the Middle East. We have people under a terrible dictatorship and repression that have expressed a collective suffering.

And the hope of all this mass is that everything is possible: we can move to a tyrant. They are demanding a process of political and social freedom necessary for personal freedom. The network has been an important vehicle. Yes, obviously there are young people who drive a brand new media, which mixed with social despair has brought forth a movement with no political affiliation: women, men, atheists, Islamists, communists, right and left together.

What is the worst possible outcome? There are three possible scenarios for the worst: the first would be that the revolution was recovered by the military or former leaders of the regime. The Tunisian army was in contact with U.S. military command, who suggested he not take sides, as in Egypt, but there it is.

Same dogs with different collars. Yes Another worst scenario would be that the opposition forces not reach an agreement to find a plural platform with all political forces to agree to play the game of democracy. ... And the advent of radical Islam. Yes, or conflict. The third scenario would be that the West would act according to their interests or who were only listening to the interests of Israel, for example: support for Mubarak to avoid instability.

Perhaps the first time on a widespread Western citizens empathize with Muslims. Yes, but there is a problem: the information handled. Bahrain, for example, hosts the Fifth Fleet, the naval arm of U.S. forces in the Middle East. There the "let the people be revealed" no longer exists and we sell the revolution as a religious minority.

Do not be naive, we know that these demonstrations can be controlled and are in key countries. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood does not seem to be unclear. Nosaben how to position, not the leaders of this revolution unexpected. They bring 60 years in opposition and have a generational conflict between liberals and reformists.

But the people are not calling for an Islamic state. No anti-Western slogans and anti-Israel, calling freedom. And the Muslim Brotherhood have to find a position to respond to that demand. "The Arab countries are mature enough to make the transition to democracy? Yes We must stop thinking in the Arab world as a world between dictatorship and radical Islamism.

There is a large civil society that is between them and wants a democratic transition. The West must understand that it came from the same religious or ideological tradition, but in these issues we all agree. However, there is a conflict between Europeans and Muslims. It is a conflict of perception, not real.

We have a media item: the burqa or the mosques, which have become a problem, but it is not true. The vast majority of Spanish, French and German Muslims have no trouble with the law or with the culture, are European. The problem is that anecdotes are magnified. I understand what you say but I do not know if they are anecdotes.

Some 82% of German Muslims say they are recognized as more than the Germans German roots. Let's look at the figures and stop having biased perceptions. Okay, how to solve it? Muslims are not obliged to build mosques and in their land, can make the style of the country they now belong, as has been done in Oxford.

In this regard, Muslims have a responsibility, but the Europeans have to understand that a good Muslim is a Muslim is not invisible. Their customs collide here. Some use fear to win elections. The immigration problem has nothing to do with Islam. Europe will need between 11 and 15 million immigrants.

We resent their culture, but we need his arms. My proposal is to use the old Muslim citizens to embrace the new immigrants and explaining how people live here. Who did you have to fight? The confusion between culture and religion, Muslim currents read the Koran through the patriarchal culture.

And literalism, ie without contextualize texts read in history.

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