Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Greek authorities prevent the Spanish ship sailing to Gaza

The craft "Guernica", with 40 Spanish on board and bound for Gaza, was now blocked by the Greek port authorities Kolimpari port on the island of Crete, Efe reported the crew members. "We are here with a frigate of the Greek authorities on one side and another on the other," he said by telephone, Tapial Manuel, a member of the crew.

"We have cut the light and we are 50 people on board, give us an explanation some on the prohibition of sailing ", attacked the Hellenic authorities Tapial. These ordered yesterday a ban on departing ships from its ports in the second Freedom Flotilla, which are intended to break the naval embargo imposed by Israel to dock in the Gaza Strip.

In the task involving the ship, "Guernica," the flag of the Comoros Islands, belonging to the group "Road to Gaza", in traveling about 40 Spanish activists, according to crew members, are in good health. The ships of the Freedom Flotilla had originally planned Gaza carrying over 5,000 tons of humanitarian aid, mainly medical supplies, education and construction.

The Spanish contribution to this humanitarian assistance is valued at about $ 870,000.

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