Sunday, July 31, 2011

British police investigations against expands 'News of the World'

London. - British police announced the expansion of investigations against the British newspaper News of the Word to track the daily evidence that not only spied clicking phones, but also hacked into computers using Trojan mails, a spokesman for Scotland Yard. A special unit will investigate the computer of a former secret agent, as he said.

The media scandal for wiretapping, bribing the police and other illegal methods of investigation allegedly used by the newspaper "News of the Word," Rupert Murdoch, shocked the UK in recent weeks. Some 4,000 phones public and private personojes were punctured by the newspaper, including widows of soldiers and families of murder victims.

Meanwhile, Rupert Murdoch's son James Murdoch, may have to undergo another examination in the British Parliament. In recent weeks with his father testified before the committee competent Parliament to discuss the case. After former head of the editorial showed doubts about the statements of Murdoch, is scheduled for a review of that statement, said the president of the commission.

However, the deputies rejected a new examination of Murdoch soon, although later it would be possible. The point of controversy is whether or not Murdoch knew illegal methods used his newspaper.

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