Friday, June 24, 2011

Ai Weiwei: "I'm fine, but let me speak to the media"

The Chinese artist Ai Weiwei and dissident, released after nearly three months in detention in Beijing without any arrest warrant for alleged economic crimes, told Efe that is good but is prohibited from giving interviews. "I'm fine," said Ai telephone conversation with Efe, "but it is not convenient to talk now, I'm not allowed to talk to the media, because I'll be out on bail awaiting trial for one year" he added.

This is the message that the designer of Olympic Stadium, 53, has sent dozens of media in the last 24 hours have tried to interview him to find out the truth about his alleged confession of tax evasion, said yesterday the state agency Xinhua News. In addition, the Twitter of the artist, in which he aerated with more than 70,000 fans their divisions on the Chinese regime and human rights cases argued, has not had any updates since last April 3 when he was arrested in Beijing while preparing to take a flight to Hong Kong.

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