Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Syrian President Asad, cornered, ready to sacrifice his government

The Syrian government should submit his resignation Tuesday to usher in a new Cabinet within 24 hours, according to a senior official said in Damascus. The statement coincides with the statements yesterday by Syrian Vice President Farouq Al Shara, which detailed that President Bashar Assad would announce major decisions "would please the Syrian people." This announcement came as security forces fired, another day, against hundreds of demonstrators during protests in the city of Dera.

While in Damascus, thousands of people gathered to participate in a rally in support of President Assad. "With our blood and souls we sacrifice for you, Bashar" or "God, Syria and Assad," were the slogans chanted this morning. The demonstrators carried Syrian flags and portraits of the president.

President Assad, in power since 2000, should announce a series of measures to liberalize the regime imposed in the country for more than five decades and that has deprived citizens of civil liberties.

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