Saturday, February 26, 2011

The stomach of the world

Someone asked the venerable President Shimon Peres what he thought of the new fleet is preparing to say against Israel. And with his usual moderation, he responded to reporters yesterday we had the chance to chat with him: "Why do they send flotillas? Make something easier. Catch the phone and ask the leaders of Hamas to end terrorism.

You see how easy it all since then. " There was no time to explain some of the liberators of the conflict do not watch pocket with two eyes, but with his eyes blind of the ideology that overlap. And that ideology only knows that the world is very bad because there is Israel, and all throbbing under the skin Palestinian-Islamic fanatic terrorism included, is very good.

Manichaeism upgraded to a method of analysis, the slogan raised to the category of thinking and biased propaganda as a corollary of social action. Needless to say, of course, that such entities are always pampered by public money for "solidarity" when presented as pro-Palestinian. Going to get money depending on what governments "left" if yours is Darfur or Rwanda or the victims of fundamentalist terrorism, because not all causes of interest and not all victims moving.

As so often, we are not facing humanitarian causes, but to ideological goals. But we will have time to talk when they perpetrate yet another action of these groups based on the "against Israel" the only reason. The issue now lies somewhat closer to Israel, although further from some political obsessions.

Libya ripped exploited by, people dying under the bullets of the dictatorship and in the shadow of evil is the old puppet who came to power with the socialist revolution and ended up being the oligarch who financed terrorist groups, and enriched his own tormented his people. His evil is not mobilized elongated the indignation of outraged at all times during the decades of dictatorship and it seems that even now, who slaughters his gamble, to mobilize the bitumen.

Where are the flotilleros of other seas and other peoples? Why do not I see the banners in the universities, noise in the streets, shouting in rage? Will Israel not to blame for the deaths of Qaddafi? Could it be that when they smell of evil "Zionists" do not know why move? Nor did I imagine the mess if he'd ridden a single Jew involved.

I always catches the eye is bleeding duality lifts the finger of accusation against this conflict, with the same passion that elevates a blissful silence about other conflicts. Perhaps one of these days, including fleet and flotilla, to remember the dead Libyans. It will be a brief but beautiful moment.

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