Monday, February 21, 2011

Germany wants to do justice to the murdered family of Einstein

Berlin. .- The Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) of the German state of Baden-Württemberg has opened an investigation to identify the murderers of the family of the Nobel Prize in Physics Albert Einstein, 66 years after the crime. Nine months before the end of World War II when German troops retreating from Italy, a destroyer command of the Wehrmacht, the German army raided the home of Robert Einstein, cousin of the scientist, and murdered his wife and two daughters.

The newspaper "Bild" revealed today that the LKA in Stuttgart has reopened the case to try to clarify and, if possible, stop the German military who participated in the crime in the small town of Rignano sull 'Arno, near the city Italian in Florence. Apparently, the Nazis identified by his surname as a Jew to Robert Einstein and decided to exterminate them and their family on charges of espionage.

In the absence of Einstein's cousin, who had hidden, the command destroyer attacked the August 3, 1944 the villa "Il FOCARD" and murdered his wife Nina, 57, and his daughters Maria and Anna Luce, 26 and 17, respectively. Robert Einstein could not overcome the trauma and life took off almost a year after losing his family on 13 July 1945, shortly after the end of the Second World War.

Bild notes that the research is led by Commissioner Martin Länge superior, and in 2007 he visited the scene of the crime and has appealed to the German television program "Aktenzeichen XY" of citizen cooperation with police to try to locate a witness the triple murder. This is apparently a German soldier from 18 to 20 who accompanied the command terminator, but refused to take part in multiple murders and was in another room of the villa where the family of Einstein was executed.

The LKA expects to find this man who today would be about 85 years to identify the members of the destroyer of the Wehrmacht command and the officer who had command of the troops.

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