Sunday, February 20, 2011

The EU sent a special mission to Lampedusa before the arrival of immigrants

The European Union (EU) on Sunday sent a mission control agency European borders (Frontex) to assist Italian authorities at the arrival of illegal immigrants from North Africa, especially Tunisian island of Lampedusa. Spain will contribute resources to the mission, with the participation of ten states with the dispatch of experts and media in the next few hours, according to EU sources.

"We will send experts from the participating member states, along with naval and air assets to assist Italian authorities. The human and technical resources may be increased depending on future needs," said European Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Cecilia Malmstrom. As agreed with Rome, which made an appeal for financial support of EUR 100 million with the help of Frontex, the experts will be dedicated to inform and question immigrants and pay special attention to identify those that might need international protection.

Last week, Italy attacked the EU for leaving her 'alone' with the mass exodus of immigrants. Malmstrom believes that the mission is a "clear signal" of European solidarity between states and the will to help Italy in this "difficult time." The mission, called Hermes, is part of the package of the Commission to address these flows, including cooperation with the Tunisian authorities, financial assistance and support of the European police force Europol.

Frontex's assistance to Italy has a precedent in quick assistance mission to Greece (Rabbit) last fall, before the migration pressure from Turkey. Foreign ministers of the European Union on Monday discussed how to promote democracy and economic development in Tunisia, following the recent Jasmine Revolution.

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