Friday, July 29, 2011

UN warns that the crisis in Somalia has passed the international response capacity

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, lamented the lack of responsiveness of international community. "We are worried because what we do is not enough when we look at the scale of the tragedy.

We are facing a humanitarian tragedy of unknown proportions," he said in an interview with Efe. In the refugee camp in Dollo Ado (Ethiopia), the mortality rate was as high as 7.4 deaths per 10,000 people per day (an emergency is declared when it comes to one death per 10,000). In southern Somalia, the area most affected by drought, acute malnutrition rates reaching up to 82% and mortality among children under five years is 4 per 10,000 in all areas for which data are available.

Responsible for refugee issues in the UN said, "This drought is not the first nor the last" and confessed that "what impresses me most is that, knowing this, the international community has not been able to develop preventive measures long-term resilience to communities. " He recalled that climate change can be expected that natural disasters such as drought in the Horn of Africa, are more severe and frequent.

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