Monday, July 4, 2011

Jordan's King switches nine ministers to curb street protests

The Jordanian King Abdullah II today issued a decree to approve the remodeling of the government headed by Maruf Bakhit, who turns nine ministers, a day after a day of protests demanding the resignation of the cabinet. The restructuring, involving the Ministries of Interior, Justice and Health, among others, coincide with increased pressure on the government, which was formed in February following the resignation of former cabinet Samir Rifai because of the demonstrations inspired in the riots in Tunisia and Egypt.

One major change is in the portfolio of Interior, which replaces Saad Mazen Saket Surur, who was criticized for his role in the escape to London in late February magnate Khalid Shahin, who was serving a prison sentence of three years bribery and corruption. In this case also implicated the Ministers of Justice and Health, and Yasin Hussein Hosban Megali, respectively, resigned on 26 May.

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