Saturday, April 16, 2011

Found the body of kidnapped Italian activist in Gaza

Tragic end to Vittorio Arrigoni, Italian activist International Solidarity Movement (MSI), kidnapped on Thursday by a small extremist Palestinian group linked to al Qaeda. His body was found this morning in an abandoned house in Gaza City, according to a government spokesman of the Islamist group Hamas which controls Gaza since June 2007 "has been executed by suffocation." The Hamas security forces stormed the house where Arrigoni after the ultimatum given by the Salafist group.

If the Islamist government in Gaza freed two prominent members of his movement before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, the Italian pro-Palestinian activist to be executed. The threat came in a dramatic video distributed on the Internet where Arrigoni saw handcuffed, blindfolded and his face marked with signs of violence.

Also, a kidnapper held her head. The Ministry of Interior, in the hands of Hamas, reported that hours before entering the house, the captors asifixiaron to Arrigoni. Other sources, however, reported that the Italian died after being hit in the fighting between the kidnappers and the strength of Hamas.

"We stopped at the home of two suspects in this murder and four others elsewhere in Gaza. We will find those responsible for this murder," sources said Hamas will surely settle accounts with the Salafists. They demanded the release of several militants, especially Saidini Isham, one of their leaders allegedly involved in an assassination attempt in 2006 against several hotels in the Egyptian Sinai, killing 19 people.

A Hamas spokesman Ehab Al Ghssain, states that the Italian was found dead after the arrest of one of the cell members of this group but could not prevent his murder. "The officers moved quickly and intelligence, but when they found the site, the kidnapped man was killed several hours in a horrible way," he explains.

The shock among the Palestinians is great because the victim was considered one of yours. Arrigoni, 36, arrived in Gaza in 2008, being known for their anti-Israel positions and its work for the cause and the Palestinian people. Collaborated with the Italian communist daily "Il Manifesto" and participated in the organization from Gaza fleet to break the block promenade of Israel.

In the Gaza Strip, acting several Salafi groups identified with the ideology of Al Qaeda and Hamas is considered "too pragmatic" in its fight against Israel. In fact, many cluster jihadist militants are former members of the "armed wing" of Hamas, dissatisfied with the government in Gaza.

They also have a religious agenda and call on Hamas to the Gaza imposed in all the Sharia, the religious law of Islam. The jihadists in Gaza often change the name of maintaining groups, yes, the word Jihad (Holy War). What has not changed is the identity of the external enemy (Israel) and internal (Hamas regime).

On the one hand, firing rockets and mortar shells against Israeli towns south of the country. Furthermore, they criticize the Islamic government, in its view, "prevent" the culmination of their fundamentalist social and religious agenda. The jihadist factions have two heads. The nun, formed by the Salafis, who are running as an alternative "more real" to the clerics of Hamas.

The military, with arms like the Army of Islam (born into the family clan of Dormush) or Army of the Nation (founded by Ismail Hamid with residues of the Popular Resistance Committee) includes the most radical among radicals. With the Al Fatah neutralized, these groups inspired by Osama Bin Laden is a major internal challenge to the Hamas regime.

After confirming on Thursday the abduction, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had said in a statement: "We have taken appropriate steps to protect you." Both the Hamas government in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank have strongly condemned the murder of Arrigoni. Hours before he found his corpse, President Abu Mazen called for his immediate release, "The activist helped our people and the abduction does not promote just Palestinian cause but the damages." After learning the outcome, a presidential statement added: "This crime does not reflect the morals and the traditions of the Palestinian people." An Islamist leader, Razi Hamed, has adfirmado this morning that "is a brutal crime and will do everything possible to punish all those responsible." In the environment of Hamas, and there are hints that accuse Israel of kidnapping.

The co-founder of MSI, Huwaida Arraf says not understand the crime, "Vittorio was more Palestinian than the criminals who have killed." It is the first kidnapping of a foreigner registered in the Gaza Strip since Hamas took control of the region in 2007. The last foreigner kidnapped in Gaza was the journalist Alan Johnston, the BBC, which was held for 114 days Salafists and was later released.

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