Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Obama calls for a peaceful transition, fair and inclusive in Libya

Barack Obama on Monday acknowledged the "value" of the Libyan rebels and encouraged them to launch a "peaceful transition, fair and inclusive." He did it in a statement without questions and pictures from Martha's Vineyard, where he spends a few days with his family. Obama warned that the situation is still "uncertain" but has welcomed the end of the regime of Muammar Qaddafi and said the outcome shows "how we can achieve if we work together." Estaodunidense President gave an overview of the major milestones of the intervention and stressed the need to begin preparations for a democratic future for Libya in the dictator is overthrown.

"You were very brave to fight for your freedom," Obama said, "but true justice will not come from revenge but reconciliation." In permanent contact with the secretaries of State and Defense, Obama said that Hillary Clinton has spoken with most of its European partners. It also has asked its ambassador to transmit Susan Rice Ban-Ki Moon convenience to discuss the future of Libya at the UN General Assembly.

The president had words of appreciation for the troops who participated in the mission and has been hypothesized that the collapse of the Libyan regime has been achieved without a single American soldier on the ground. One way to highlight the differences between this mission and that Bush launched in Iraq in March 2003.

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