Thursday, March 17, 2011

The reactors at the Fukushima still out of control

Tokyo / Brussels / Vienna. (Writing and Agencies) .- The situation in Fukushima dyes making ever more dramatic with each passing minute. The head of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. UU., Gregory Jaczko, said he has exhausted the water in the fuel tank of the reactor 4 of the nuclear plant, saying that radiation levels are "extremely high." Jackzo has warned that workers in emergency teams Fukushima nuclear power plant could be exposed to "lethal dose" of radiation if it is near the reactors.

According to the technician, who has run the water in the fuel tank reactor number 4 of the central Daiichi impossible to prevent the temperature rise in the fuel rods, which could lead to nuclear fusion. Jaczko said in a hearing before a subcommittee of the House energy of Representatives that the situation leads to EE.

UU. to believe that "radiation levels are extremely high," which could affect the ability of the Japanese authorities to take "corrective measures." Meanwhile, the U.S. embassy. UU. in Tokyo today advised American citizens living within a radius of 80 kilometers from the central plant Fukushima Japanese to evacuate the area or take shelter if they can not leave the area.

The Japanese government recommended only outlet for residents within 30 miles. Plane did not tripuladoPor other hand, an unmanned U.S. Armed Forces will seek to clarify the current situation of damaged reactor within Japan Fukushima nuclear power plant, reported the Japanese news agency.

The Global Hawk aircraft carried onboard infrared cameras. Since the devastating earthquake and tsunami on Friday, Japan struggles to stabilize the damaged reactor of the plant to avoid a possible meltdown. High levels of radiation and strong wind prevented helicopters today to intervene to cool from the air reactor blocks 3 and 4 with water.

The two reactors are partially destroyed by the effect of fire and explosions. The intervention was ordered to cool the fuel rods with sea water and boric acid. Another alternative was to use shuffled authorities vehicles with water cannons that could inject water inside the reactors. The vehicles were moved at the last minute (local) of the Fukushima later today.

"Very serious situation" On the other hand, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Japan's Yukiya Amano, said Wednesday that "very serious" the situation in Japan following the damage caused in several plants nuclear by the earthquake and tsunami of last Friday and announced it is to travel to this country.

Amano said he hopes to fly to Japan on Thursday and stay there one day, during which demand more information to the Nipponese. "(...) The situation is very serious," said the general manager at a press conference. The head of the IAEA has indicated that it has confirmed that the cores of three of the nuclear reactors at the Fukushima-1 is damaged.

To Brusleas, the situation remains chaotic. Energy Commissioner EU, Günther Oettinger, today the situation has called "a real catastrophe," after evaluating yesterday as "apocalyptic" state of Fukushima. "In the next few hours there will be new catastrophic events that could pose a threat to the lives of people in the island," he added.

Through this continuous emergence pronounced uncertainty, followed by chaining problems Wednesday in the central Fukushima, badly damaged by the earthquake and tsunami that hit northeastern Japan on June 11. Its six boiling water reactor emergency caused continuous and TEPCO employees, the company that operates the plant, worked tirelessly to try to combat overheating.

The International Energy Agency (IAEA), whose general manager is ready to travel immediately to Japan, confirmed from its headquarters in Vienna that are damaged reactor cores 1, 2 and 3 of Fukushima, but said that no can say that the situation is "out of control." Before and after endless speculation, the Japanese government spokesman, Yukio Edan, claimed that the possibility of a serious deterioration of the reactor container is low.

" In addition, the number of victims and tsunami that terrometo perfectly with the island continues to grow. Today has been known that a population of Miyagi province as missing to 10,000 of its 16,000 inhabitants.

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