Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Catalan NGO gets a small ablation eradicate a vast territory of Senegal

'Prou ablacions' (Enough ablations), the campaign promoted by a small NGO Quirze del Vallès Sant, Acció Solidària, has achieved remarkable results that have failed or governments, or major social institutions, with a vast consolidation territory of Senegal, a country where laws prohibit female genital mutilation.

Legislation that does not respect the ethnic majority settled in rural areas as the region of Blouf in the low-Casamance, where Enric Alloza, Acció Solidarity spokesman confirmed that "further ablation is performed on all girls to five years. " How a small NGO which manages large government institutions fail? "With the ripple effect of logical reasoning," said a spokesman for Acció Solidària.

Thus, Sant Quirze have made direct campaign in small towns and villages "where traditions are more important than the individuals themselves." A clear example is in Thiobon, with a population of about 4,000 people, mostly ethnic Mandingo, who practices ablation to 73.3% of women, as reported by the government.

Senegal is still imposed in genital mutilation in 59.7% of the clans Diola and 1.6% of wolouf highly localized in the area of Dakkar, where police pursued these practices. The problem basically lies in the interval of time the girls are out of school, which in Senegal does not occur until three years, at which they are registered in official records.

If in the meantime, the case that a small bleed to death after being subjected to the rite of female circumcision, the lead one week a forest and then a big party, "they are buried and point" sentence Alloza. The coordinator of the NGO resume that even knowing the restrictive legislation was not until the introduction of public media that the country has begun to react.

In barely two years ago Thiobon with electricity and the big news recently are the two television sets in the village, from which the government issues consistent messages against such practices. However given the ultimate accolade as NGOs such as Solidarity Acció. So Alloza recognizes some pressure, "we explain that our best partners" in this case the City Council and the Fundació Sant Quirze Jesus Serra "ethics is contrary to the ablation." It is not hard to understand that tradition subsequently banished to perpetuate change in school reforms or tons of medicines and food they receive from the organizations.

But it was not until last February 25 that the old women-a term used to define themselves-in Thiobon, gathered under a mango tree after a heated discussion in Diola language agree to break a centuries-old tradition and decided that From that moment, all women should abandon the practice of their daughters genitally maul.

Soon after, Malick Coly, associate professor of languages and the NGOs in the country, transmitting the agreement to the five imams of the mosque, so the decision becomes even more range than the law itself tribal government. In villages Senegalese women send "confirms Alloza, hence its decision must be obeyed without protest.

Their husbands, usually working in the capitals of the country or have emigrated to the West from where they send their monthly amounts to help support his family. "With 50 euros you can send a husband, here buy fish for a whole month" with rice that they grow, is the staple food of the people.

Despite having no funding for the program 'Prou Ablacions' agreement takes effect Thiobon spontaneous Solidària Acció blast and get "not at the speed we would like because of the lack of funds" new agreements with the mayor of Thionck Essil, Blouf capital of 15,000 and then to the whole region that occupies a vast territory in which they live some 80,000 people.

Then continue by Yatakunda in the Kolda region, where they hope to convince to 4,000 Mandingo with the collaboration of Sadio Abdoulaie evangelist, who already has the support of some of the old women of the place, without which no agreement is valid in Senegal.

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