Saturday, April 9, 2011

Obama fails in his last chance to avoid the 'closure' of the Government

Negotiations to reach an agreement between Democrats and Republicans in relation to the extension of the 2011 budget, whose fiscal year ends Sept. 30, have broken this morning (Washington time) and no agreement. Senior Congress officials have told The New York Times that negotiations on Capitol Hill have ended at 3 am (8 am in Spain) and no new talks were scheduled.

President Obama insisted on Thursday to reach agreement at the last meeting, which ultimately did not occur. The final vote will take place in the U.S. capital on Friday. The sources consulted by the U.S. newspaper that the Democrats have secured concessions have been made both in money and political issues.

The figure which apparently both parties would agree are 37,000 billion. However, negotiations have bogged down in issues like abortion, according to these sources. According to Democrats, Republicans explained that the votes of the conservative pro-life are a conditio sine qua non for achieving the budgetary target.

The Republicans say they have not reached any final agreement on the money and have been matters of policy and spending the cause of stagnation. Pending the final ballot or an unexpected turn of events, the 'closure' of the federal government takes over the body every minute.

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