Monday, April 11, 2011

In light of new FBI papers on UFOs

Who believe in the existence of UFOs has now some additional reason: in the forties also believed the FBI, as is clear beyond doubt from the papers as confidential, in-style X-Files, just published on the website Bureau. The documents give an account of at least two sightings, one in Utah and one in New Mexico (the famous Roswell incident).

The FBI report, signed by 'agent Guy Hottel and dated March 22, 1950, quotes an American military aviation source said that three flying saucers, each with a diameter of about 16 meters and with a raised part at the center, were found in New Mexico.

"Every record - continues in the report - was occupied by three bodies of humanoid form less than a meter tall, dressed in a metallic fabric with tight weave. Each body was wrapped in a bandage similar to the kind of anti-gravity suits used by test pilots. " The report concludes that the discs may be precipitated because of electronic interference caused by high power military radar in the area of discovery 'cablegram IL - On the second sighting, the documents say that on April 4, 1949, FBI agents Utah sent a cable marked 'urgent' to the legendary director of the Bureau, J. Edgar Hoover, in which it was said that an armed guard in a store, a policeman in the town of Logan and an agent of the Utah Highway Patrol had sighted a UFO which then exploded. Under the title "Flying Saucers," says the cable in three saw "a silvery-white object that was approaching the mountains of Sardine Canyon" which "seemed to explode in an eruption of fire.

Several citizens of Trenton said that he saw what appeared to be a double air explosion followed by falling objects. " The cable, along with other documents reveal that the FBI was trying to figure out if UFOs are real.

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